Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Cara Membuat Blog Gratis


Cara membuat blog yang kali ini akan saya bahas adalah cara membuat blog via milik google. Sebenarnya anggapan membuat sebuah situs dan blog itu sulit adalah salah. Gak percaya kalau membuat blog itu mudah ? simak aja cara membuat blog yang berikut ini. Mudah atau sulit sebenarnya tinggal cara pemahaman dan kerja keras anda dalam mempelajari tutorial yang saya berikan berikut ini. Selamat mencoba ;) .

1. Apa itu blog?

Blog adalah situs pribadi. Berbeda dg website yg setiap memposting harus susah payah memakai kode ekstensi .html .php, .asp, dll, blog merupakan otomatisasi dari semua ekstensi tsb. Sehingga karena sudah diotomatisasi, maka kita-kita semua yg lugu teknologi menjadi ostosmastis dapat memposting apa yg kita inginkan persis seperti kita memposting email ke teman atau ke milis.

Dan karena kemudahan inilah, maka semua orang yg tahu internet dapat membuat blog atau situs pribadi; sama halnya dg memiliki email. Tak heran apabila pemilik blog bervariasi: mulai dari pembantu rumah tangga, ibu rumah tangga, tukang jualan sayur di pasar klewer, cewek-cewek “ramah” di pasar senggol, sampai profesor dan menteri-menteri.

2. Bagaimana cara membuat blog?

Seperti halnya email, buat account dulu di free blog provider (pemberi hosting/domain blog gratis). Yg paling populer adalah Bagi Anda yg sudah agak melek-huruf teknologi bisa juga buat account di dan Selain yg dua ini masih banyak penyedia blog gratis yg bisa Anda ketahui kemudian. Ikuti pentunjuk step-by-step ketika mendaftar.

3. Setelah selesai register/sign-up di, anda dapat mulai memposting/mempublish apapun yg Anda inginkan di blog: mulai dari curhat, puisi, cerpen, tulisan serius sampai yg canda.

Blogger Baru

Sejak Januari 2007 proses pembuatan/ registrasi / sign-up blog di lebih dipermudah, sbb:

1. Apabila Anda punya email di, maka Anda bisa langsung log-in atau sign-in di –> new blogger –> masukkan id/usernama plus password gmail Anda. Dan ikuti proses selanjutnya.

2. Apabila Anda belum punya email di, silahkan buat (register/ sign-up) dulu di –> sign-up. Setelah jadi email gmailnya, kunjungi –> new blogger –> masukkan id / gmail Anda plus password dan ikuti proses pembuatan blog selanjutnya.

Cara Mempromosikan Blog

Membuat blog saja bukanlan akhir dari pekerjaan anda. Setelah selesai membuat blog, hal yg tak kalah pentingnya adalah empromosikan/memperkenalkan blog milik Anda pada dunia ramai. Apa gunanya membuat blog kalau isi curhat, puisi, cerpen, refleksi dan opini Anda yang diposting tidak dibaca orang, bukan?

Ikuti langkah-langkah promosi blog sebagai berikut:

(1) Daftarkan di blog directory

Daftarkan blog Anda ke berbagai direktori blog (blog directory). Sedikitnya, daftarkan di tiga blog directory terbesar dan terpopuler, yaitu (a) (c) Ikuti seluruh petunjuk pada ketiga blog directory tsb ketika mendaftar.

Blog-blog directory ini nantinya secara otomatis akan mengirim data blog dan posting-posting anda ke berbagai search engine, termasuk tiga search engine besar yaitu,,

(2) Link-trade, Link Exchange atau Tukar Link

Ajak teman anda yg memiliki blog untuk saling tukar link. Link URL anda di blog dia, dan jangan lupa anda juga memasukkan link blog teman anda tsb. di blog anda. Dalam dunia blog, ini disebut juga dg istilah BLOGROLL. Dan blogroll ini salah satu penyebab cepatnya popularitas blog di seluruh dunia, mengalahkan website yg biasa.

Blogroll atau link-exchange tidak harus melalui permintaan, bisa juga dg saling suka rela. Umpamanya, ada seseorang blogger (pemilik blog) yg memasang link Anda di blog dia, apabila Anda tahu, maka Anda juga “berkewajiban” menambah link blog dia di blog Anda. Apabila tidak, maka akan dicap sebagai “blogger pelit”. Di dunia maya pun, sebagaimana di dunia nyata, orang pelit akan selalu teralienasi. Dg kata lain, sedikit “tamu”nya. :)

Nah, bagaimana cara mengetahui ada yg mengelink blog Anda? Caranya mudah: tulis di kotak alamat blog Anda atau blog siapa saja yg ingin Anda ketahui. Setelah itu tekan search, anda akan tahu siapa saja yg ngelink ke blog tsb.

(3) Berkunjung ke blog lain

Untuk menambah teman untuk diajak blogroll, sempatkan berkunjung ke blog2 lain, dan berkomentar di bukutamu atau tagboard mereka atau berkomentar di tulisan mereka sambil jangan lupa memasang alamat blog Anda di blog mereka. Dalam waktu tidak lama, mereka akan “bertamu balik” ke “rumah” atau blog Anda.

(4) Aktivitas posting
Usahakan sedikitnya satu kali posting setiap harinya. Posting yg teratur di blog, akan membuat tamu datang secara teratur juga.

(5) Alamat blog di signature email
Tulis alamat blog Anda di signature email. Sehingga setiap anda menulis email ke pribadi atau ke milis, alamat blog anda akan selalu muncul, dan “menggoda” orang untuk berkunjung. Memposting ringkasan tulisan di blog Anda ke milis juga akan sangat menggoda member milis untuk datang ke blog Anda.

Setelah membuat blog dan memposting tulisan, curhat, puisi dan cerpen serta diari Anda, cobalah tiga hari kemudian cek blog Anda di, pakai kata kunci nama Anda atau link Anda seperti (pemakaian http://.. ini perlu untuk membentuk link). Apabila masih belum muncul di, berarti ada setting-an blog Anda yg perlu diperbaiki. Ikuti petunjuk sbb:
(1) Log-in ke dan masukkan id dan password seperti biasa;
(2) Klik judul blog Anda;
(3) Klik “setting”, trus klik “publishing”
(4) Di bagian paling bawah ada menu “notify” pilih “yes”.
(5) Klik “Save Settings” dan “republish”. Selesai.

Jangan lupa, menu “comments” dibikin publik supaya orang mudah memberi komentar. Caranya:

(1) Klik “Setting”, trus klik “comments”. Di “settings comments” ini ada berbagai pilihan, pilih sbb:
(a) Comments –> pilih “show”;
(b) Who can comment? –> pilih “anyone”;
(c) Comments default for comments –> pilih “New Posts have comments”
(d) Backlinks –> show
(e) Show comment in pop up window? –> pilih “yes”
(f) Show Word verification for comments? –> pilih “yes”
(g) Enable comment moderation? –> pilih “no”
(h) Show profile images on comments? –>pilih “yes”
(i) comment notification address –> isi dg email anda.

Terakhir, klik “Save Settings” dan “Republish”. Selesai.

Setelah melakukan semuanya, ikuti perkembangan peringkat blog anda…
Selamat mencoba

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Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Diet Help

Diet help dapat membantu anda untuk mengatasi masalah obesitas atau kegemukan jadi jangan tunggu lama silahkan kunjungi website berukut dan silahkan baca artikel di

Click Here! 

dan jangan ragu dan terlambat untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan anda silahkan kunjungi dan pesan sekarang...

terima kasih

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Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

Your Business: Jasa Backlink Murah-SEO

Your Business: Jasa Backlink Murah-SEO

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Jasa Backlink Murah-SEO

Ingin produk anda masuk pada halaman pertama google dan kebanjiran pengunjung setiap harinya ? Apapun produk anda dijamin-dijamin.....

Kami tahu, bahwa melakukan optimasi website/SEO (search engine optimization) adalah sebuah kegiatan yang membosankan, melelahkan dan bahkan mengulangi pekerjaan yang serupa berulang-ulang kali.
Karena seperti kita ketahui, inti dari SEO ini adalah di backlink. Sebaik apapun On-page optimization yang Anda lakukan, jika tidak disertai backlink yang berkualitas dan jumlah banyak, maka akan sulit untuk memenangkan persaingan posisi di hasil pencarian google untuk kata kunci tertentu.
jika anda ingin melihat bagaimana cara kerja kami silahkan kunjungi kami akan menjelaskannya di website ini

Untuk itulah kami hadir sebagai solusi bagi Anda, biarkan kami yang melakukan semua pekerjaan backlink ke website Anda, sehingga Anda bisa fokus di pekerjaan yang lebih penting lainnya.

Anda tidak perlu submit URL ke sana sini berulang kali bahkan hingga ratusan kali untuk kata kunci yang persaingannya cukup berat. Biarkan kami yang melakukan hal ini.

cukup beritahu kekami, situs URL/website yang ingin anda promosikan dan berikan keyword yang anda bidik 

untuk itu tidak usah berpikir panjang lebar kami akan menuntun anda secara cepat di

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Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Diet Solution

Please check tis website...

Burn Fat Now

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Life Coaching at Home

Today Information Is King
Without a shadow of a doubt, it is your ability to access the most effective information at the right time... that increases your ability to be successful.
Within the realm of those who attain success through information are two types of people; the people that seek information and the people who provide information.
Both types of people live in harmony, can switch roles at various times and constantly remain in that cycle as their journey toward success proceeds.

Your purchase of the products is governed by the terms and conditions contained in the End User License Agreement ('EULA'). Please read this EULA carefully before completing your purchase. By completing your purchase, you agree that you have read the EULA and agree to be bound by its terms. If you do not agree to the terms of the EULA DO NOT complete your purchase.
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If you choose not to be a part of either one of these groups, your chances of success in this world of information that we live in are very limited and virtually non-existent.
Information seekers are always on a mission to learn as much as they can about a given topic so that they can leverage their knowledge, to get ahead in life.
Information providers – who were one point information seekers themselves - now pass along their knowledge in return for something else.
That something else does not necessarily have to be related to money.
There are some people who are just so passionate about helping others and providing them with the information that they need to change their lives, that they will do so for a small fee or even no money at all.
For them, the ability to help shape someone else’s life is their dream.
Then, there are the entrepreneurs of the world who see an opportunity in all of this.
They know that within the circle of information providers is the opportunity to really help others take their life to the next level... all while building a profitable business that allows you to achieve financial independence and not have to work for someone else.
Right now, you are an information seeker.  And there's nothing wrong with that.  You have decided to visit this webpage, become proactive and start seeking the information that you need to build a profitable business, while helping others achieve their dreams.
Once you attain the information needed to do this (just as many others have before you), you will now become an information provider.
Because this cycle of information seekers and providers never ends (and in fact will only increase as technology advances) there will always be a desire to access the information that you provide.
Let Steve Show You The Secrets To
Becoming A Successful Life Coach FREE
Enter your email below and you'll get insider secrets from one of the world's most well respected coaches sent directly to your email, absolutely free.

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Warcraft Conquest

  • You want to dominate PvE and PvP at Level 85 – Not just play the content, but dominate it from start to finish. This is a real chance to be the absolute best at something with strategies we’ve laid out for you.
  • You’re tired of being looked down on by the high end guilds running around Orgrimmar or Stormwind – I was a lowbie too and I hated it. That’s why I created Warcraft Conquest. To help noobs reach the top.
This is the chance you’ve been waiting for. It’s finally available for you in a format that makes sense and with an update system that will work. Don’t waste any more time with those boring old text guides – check out what makes Warcraft Conquest different today:

Well, the real question you should be asking is how much is it worth to you to have your character decked out in full epics, have more gold than you can spend, never fear getting ganked, win nearly every duel and have us taking you by the hand and literally forcing you to dominate on your server?

It's a simple answer.. "Priceless"

Not only so, but if you were to hire a "professional" Chinese farming company to farm the arena points and gold for you, you'd not only end up paying nearly $700 but also risk getting your account banned.

Listen, we've battled with this decision for weeks. Originally I 'toyed' with the idea that $67 would be a fair price to ask. After all we're giving away the exact techniques that allow us to make a killing in the game. Literally every last secret.

However, after seeking the thoughts of a number of esteemed players, the consensus was that we were being utterly reckless...

Some suggested $97, others said $197... hell, a top arena team in my battleground group said I'd be a lunatic to release this information for any less than $500 bucks... and that was after begging me not to sell it all... (he's knows the scale of competition that'll inevitably be created!)

Truth is though, if I were to charge $97 or even $197 for this amazing blueprint you'd still be getting a major unfair advantage guaranteed to accelerate your gameplay and it would be frankly astonishing if you are not the topic of your realm forums within a week or two.

But you're not going to have to pay nowhere near that amount.

Listen, I got thinking, and remembered the time when we were in the same position as you... desperate to make more gold, wanting to own in PvP so bad but not knowing which way to turn...

It suddenly dawned on me what this information would have meant to me back then. How much faster I would have got to where I am today if I had known this stuff...

Point being, I genuinely want to make it a full proof certainty that you avoid this situation.... and quickly realized that if I were to charge $197 bucks, then it would be out of the reach of the masses. The people who need it most.

So here's what we decided...

We will virtually give away a very limited number of copies... and after that revert the price back to what we originally decided. In other words $67.

So to make sure that you get your hands on this information, no matter what your situation, we are practically committing "online suicide" by allowing you to try the whole package for just...


That’s not a misprint, it's not a typo and it’s not a joke. After that, you'll have to pay the full cost. No if's no but's... 
To Order this game click here :

Look, don't be deceived by the price...

...With the 3 hours of tutorials and the blueprints showing you how to copy the exact strategies we used to rank top 10 in my battlegroup .... insane gold strategies, not to mention the proven template strategies that you can replicate, we are sure you'll agree that...

...This Is *Incalculable* Value

And to top it all off... Here's:

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paid survey at home

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