Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Warcraft Conquest

  • You want to dominate PvE and PvP at Level 85 – Not just play the content, but dominate it from start to finish. This is a real chance to be the absolute best at something with strategies we’ve laid out for you.
  • You’re tired of being looked down on by the high end guilds running around Orgrimmar or Stormwind – I was a lowbie too and I hated it. That’s why I created Warcraft Conquest. To help noobs reach the top.
This is the chance you’ve been waiting for. It’s finally available for you in a format that makes sense and with an update system that will work. Don’t waste any more time with those boring old text guides – check out what makes Warcraft Conquest different today:

Well, the real question you should be asking is how much is it worth to you to have your character decked out in full epics, have more gold than you can spend, never fear getting ganked, win nearly every duel and have us taking you by the hand and literally forcing you to dominate on your server?

It's a simple answer.. "Priceless"

Not only so, but if you were to hire a "professional" Chinese farming company to farm the arena points and gold for you, you'd not only end up paying nearly $700 but also risk getting your account banned.

Listen, we've battled with this decision for weeks. Originally I 'toyed' with the idea that $67 would be a fair price to ask. After all we're giving away the exact techniques that allow us to make a killing in the game. Literally every last secret.

However, after seeking the thoughts of a number of esteemed players, the consensus was that we were being utterly reckless...

Some suggested $97, others said $197... hell, a top arena team in my battleground group said I'd be a lunatic to release this information for any less than $500 bucks... and that was after begging me not to sell it all... (he's knows the scale of competition that'll inevitably be created!)

Truth is though, if I were to charge $97 or even $197 for this amazing blueprint you'd still be getting a major unfair advantage guaranteed to accelerate your gameplay and it would be frankly astonishing if you are not the topic of your realm forums within a week or two.

But you're not going to have to pay nowhere near that amount.

Listen, I got thinking, and remembered the time when we were in the same position as you... desperate to make more gold, wanting to own in PvP so bad but not knowing which way to turn...

It suddenly dawned on me what this information would have meant to me back then. How much faster I would have got to where I am today if I had known this stuff...

Point being, I genuinely want to make it a full proof certainty that you avoid this situation.... and quickly realized that if I were to charge $197 bucks, then it would be out of the reach of the masses. The people who need it most.

So here's what we decided...

We will virtually give away a very limited number of copies... and after that revert the price back to what we originally decided. In other words $67.

So to make sure that you get your hands on this information, no matter what your situation, we are practically committing "online suicide" by allowing you to try the whole package for just...


That’s not a misprint, it's not a typo and it’s not a joke. After that, you'll have to pay the full cost. No if's no but's... 
To Order this game click here :

Look, don't be deceived by the price...

...With the 3 hours of tutorials and the blueprints showing you how to copy the exact strategies we used to rank top 10 in my battlegroup .... insane gold strategies, not to mention the proven template strategies that you can replicate, we are sure you'll agree that...

...This Is *Incalculable* Value

And to top it all off... Here's:

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